Syntactic foams are complex compounds produced by the incorporation of hollow spherical particles into a polymeric or ceramic matrix. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) states that synthetic foams have a resin matrix. The properties of synthetic foam can be largely determined by changing some parameters during their production such as the material […]

General description The Hollow Microspheres are inert, hollow particles made mainly of silicon, alumina and boron-silicate soda lime, which inside their core contain inert gas (e.g. nitrogen) or carbon dioxide. They are the ideal lightweight fillers as they provide the lowest surface-to-volume ratio of any size. This fact results in the need for less resin […]

Introduction The expanding residential building market has placed a higher demand on electricity for cooling in warmer climate regions. This demand has created opportunities for coatings companies to investigate solar heat reflective coatings as a means to combat the increasing energy costs. Two popular areas being investigated in the architectural arena are roof and wall […]

3M Glass Bubbles are used as additives in an astonishing variety of products. For example, they can be formulated into quick-drying, low-shrinkage spackling and other construction materials. They provide a wide range of additional benefits in applications ranging from sporting goods to solar reflective paint. As an ingredient in the plastic parts of your car, […]